NUR2200 Mental Health Across the Lifespan Mental State Assignment Help

AssessmentnameNUR2200 Mental Health Across the Lifespan Mental State Examination Assessment
Brief task descriptionThisreportrequiresyoutoassessandplanmentalhealthinterventionsfora given client case.
Rationale for assessmenttaskRegisterednursesarerequiredtoproviderelevantholistic,patientcentredcare. The ability to correctly perform a mental state examination and plan appropriate nursing care is a part of that role.
Due Date3rd September2024, by2355 (AEST).


Youarenotto exceedbeyond 9 pagesusing the MSE Report Template:

  • 2pagesfortheMental StateExamination report
  • 3-4pages fortheRisk Assessment
  • 1pagefortheSymptomsand MentalHealth Nursing Interventions
  • 1pageNursingreport-(between400-500 words).
  • R1pagereference list.

Youmay usedot points orashort paragraph for your responses.


Marksoutof: Weighting:

40marks =40%
CourseLearning Outcomes

Alignsto theCourseLearning Outcomes 2,4 &5.

CLO 2-Apply evidence-based interventions which informs the development oftargetedtreatmentplanningacrossthelifespanoftheconsumer,including culturally diverse consumers.

CLO4-Explaintheimportanceofmentalhealthlegislation,rightsofmental health consumers, cultural diversity, and the legislative implications for nursing practice.

CLO-5-Effectivelycommunicatewithconsumers,includingIndigenous populations, to accurately assess mental state and risk parameters using standardised mental health assessment forms.


Exemplar/Example provided


Exemplarisloadedontothestudydesk,ontheassessmentpage,withinthe MSE descriptor booklet.

Task information

Task detail

Pleaseincludethefollowingconsumerdetailsontheappropriatedocumentation for this assignment.


URN :UniSQ77478

Name:Goldblum GivenName(s):Peter

Address:123SmithsRoad,Smithville 4444



  1. Downloadandreadthecollateralhistoryrelated totheclient.
  2. AccessanddownloadtheAssessmenttemplatefromthestudydesk.This islocatedwithintheAssessmentbooklet.Youarerequiredto typedirectly into the formatted document provided.
  3. The assessment template is to be completed using the client data providedwithintheAssessmentbooklet.Thisonetemplatecontainsall documents that you need to complete this assessment.
  4. Watch the client video of the clinical interview, located within the assessment booklet. Document your observations from the interview/assessmentintotheMSEforminyourAssessmenttemplate.You must use the appropriate mental health terminology to communicate your findings. You must use the client assessment responses to support your assessment findings.
  5. IdentifyanddocumentTHREE(3)relevantsymptomsorissuesthatthe client displayed during the interview or are recorded on the Risk Assessment.
    • ResearchTWO(2)evidenced-basednursingmentalhealthinterventions per finding / symptom to assist you in completing the management plan.A total of six interventions and one reference per intervention to a total of six individual references.
  6. Nursing Report:Write a succinct, pertinent, and relevant nursing report usingtheSHAREDtool.Thisisnotanarrationofyourfindingsandmust

    notcontain referencing.



  • APA7th EditionReferencing (noless than6 references)
  • ContemporaryLiteraturemustbesourced(nomorethan7years old)
Formatting Style



-Double spacing

  • Font:12point
  • TimesNewRoman,CalibriorVerdana –
  • Noheadings or subheadingsto beused


Resources available to completetask




Link to the Video of the interview between the consumer and mental healthconsultant (within the Assessment book on your study desk.


Mental State Examination Template(within the Assessment book on yourstudy desk).

SHAREDReferto thelink below:




Whatyouneed to submit

OneMicrosoft Word document and contains thefollowing items:

  • MentalStateExaminationTemplatenolongerthan9 pages
  • Nocoversheetbutfooter mustinclude:


  • Donot includethemarking criteriasheet
Submission requirements


ThisassessmentmustbesubmittedinelectronicformatasaMicrosoftWord document via Turnitin. The Turnitin process may take up to 24 hours to produceareport.Therefore,allowadequatetimetodothisandaddressany issues of plagiarism detected by Turnitin before final submission.


*AnypercentagethatrelatestoplagiarismdetectedbyTurnitinisaconcernand requires you to address this. A Turnitin % of greater than 15% will not be accepted.


File Name Conventions


Saveyourdocumentwith thefollowing naming conventions:


ModerationAllstaffwhoareassessingyourworkmeettodiscussandcomparegradingdecisions before marks or grades are finalised.
Academic Integrity Statement


Studentsshouldbefamiliarwith,andabideby,USQ’spolicyonAcademicIntegrityand the definition of Academic Misconduct. Penalties apply to students found to have breached these policies & procedures.

Notewell:Allstandardsofacademicintegrity,assetoutinuniversitypolicyand procedure, apply to this assessment.

AcademicMisconduct Process


Artificial Intelligence

ImportantNote:Donotutiliseanyformofgenerativeartificialintelligence(GAIor AI) – As per the principles of the UniSQ Student Academic Integrity Policy (, “All academic work submitted for

AssessmentastheworkoftheStudentisindeedtheworkofthatStudent”.Inthatregard, any use of AI in the development/completion of your assignment will be considered a form of Academic Misconduct.


Please note this also includes AI functions within editing and paraphrasing programs such as Grammarly, Quillbot, Scribbr, etc. It is your responsibility as a student toensuretheworkyouareproducingisyourown.Thereforeyoushouldbecautiouswhen using any websites, apps, or tools to write, edit or check grammar, etc., as often these


tools are powered by artificial intelligence programming and incorporate the same generative capabilities of artificial intelligence language models which can unintentionallyleadtoAcademicMisconductifusedtoalteranyofyourownwork.


TheuseofAItoolsisnotpermittedinthiscourse. Turnitin’sAIwritingdetectionmodel isutilisedinthiscourse,andanyassessmentsfoundtocontainAIgeneratedcontentwill bereferredtotheAcademicIntegrityUnitforfurtherinvestigation.Findoutmoreabout the Academic Misconduct process here.


Extension Requests


Extension online application

Late Submissions Penalty

Pleaserefertothelinkonlatesubmissionofassessmentitemsandpenaltiesapplied – Late Submissions of Assignments






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