This assessment aims to evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of facilities management, HR management, and decision-making in a contemporary guest services case study by applying the SERVQUAL model. It also aims to make recommendations to improve guest servicesoperation management.
ULO 2. Analyse the effectiveness of hospitality property management systems and explain how legislationsareappliedwithinthehospitalityindustry.
ULO 3. Apply staff recruitment processes and make recommendations in relation to employee rightsandemployerresponsibilities.
ULO4. Evaluate and recommend improvements to a guest services facilities management plan.
Word Count
Asuggestedlengthguideforyourassignment(youcanchangethistosuityourreport structure):
-Responsiveness(150-200 words)
CitationandReferencing(APA 7)
Theassignmentshouldshowevidenceofresearch,withreferencesfromrelevantacademic journals.You should have at least SIX (6) different peer-reviewed academic articles and use them as the foundation for each part of your report. Do not use Wikipedia as a reference source. Unless it is a generic theory/model, cited publications must be within the past 15 years.
AllcitationsandreferencesmustadheretoAPA7referencing style.
The submission link allows for (3) three attempts, providing you with the opportunity to checktextmatchingforunintendedplagiarism.Basedonthe text-matchreport,reviseyour work as needed. Submit your revised work for course grading.
Assignmentswithsimilaritypercentagesof25%andabovemayindicateacademic misconduct and should be revised before submission.
Part1:Report | Fail(0–49%) | Pass(50-64%) | Credit(65-74%) | Distinction(75-84%) | HighDistinction(85– 100%) |
Identifyandexplain(35%) | Failstoidentifyandexplainthe problems in the operation strategy. | You have identified some problemsanddemonstrateda satisfactoryunderstandingoftheconceptsandtheories studied. | You haveidentifiedall operation management issues and demonstratedanaboveaverageunderstandingoftheconcepts andtheoriesstudied. | You haveidentifiedall operation management issues and demonstrated a very good understandingoftheconcepts andtheoriesstudies. | You haveidentifiedall operation management issues and demonstratedanexceptional understandingoftheconcepts andtheoriesstudies. |
Recommendation of appropriate strategies (30%) | Noanalysispresentedandno strategies explored. | Incompleteanalysispresentedandsomestrategiesexplored. | Completeanalysispresented and appropriate strategies explored. | Stronganalysispresentedandacceptablestrategiesexplored. | Exceptionalanalysispresented and acceptable strategies exploredwithreferencesto theoriesandconceptsstudied. |
Use of academically appropriatedocument style, writing style and referencing system (20%) | You have not used an academicallyappropriatewritingstyleand/orreferencingsystem (e.g.,youhaveusedcommon terms oroverlyformallanguage orfailedtousearecognised referencingsystemi.e.,APA). | You have used an academically appropriate writing style and referencingsystem. | You have used an academically appropriate writing style and referencing systemtoanabove averagestandard. | You have used an academically appropriate writing style and referencing system to a very high standard. | You have used an academically appropriate writing style and referencing system to an exceptionallyhighstandard. |
Effectiveness of communication(15%) | Yourwrittencommunicationis poor. | Yourwrittencommunicationis easy to follow. | Yourwrittencommunicationis clearandsuccincttoanabove averagestandard. | Yourwrittencommunicationis clearandsuccincttoa veryhighstandard. | Yourwrittencommunicationis clear and succinct to an exceptionallyhighstandard. |
Total:20marks |
Part2:Presentation | Fail(0–49%) | Pass(50-64%) | Credit(65-74%) | Distinction(75-84%) | HighDistinction(85– 100%) |
GroupPresentation(100%) | The presentationisunengaging and demonstrates poor communication skills. The presenterlackseffectiveuseof visual aids, eye contact, and clarity in speech. | Thepresentationissomewhat engaging but lacks effective communication skills. | Thepresentationisadequately engaging and demonstrates satisfactory communication skills. The presenter uses visualaidsbutmaylackconsistenteye contactor clarityinspeech. | The presentation is engaging anddemonstrates good communication skills. The presenter effectively uses visualaids,maintainseyecontact,and speaks clearly. | The presentation is highly engaging, well-rehearsed, and demonstrates excellent communication skills. The presenter effectively uses visualaids,maintainseyecontact,and speaksclearlyandconfidently |
Total:10marks |
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